That we may experience Jesus as the defining reality of our lives!
The Path to Spiritual Growth
Celebration of Discipline
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Obedience = Joy = Celebration
The older I get the more that this rings true as well, we lose the innocence of childhood where there was a celebration over finding a penny, making a cool fort or seeing a friend during recess and that pure and unabashed joy in those simple things! As we grow older those sweet things, those sweet tastes of simplicity in celebration become clouded and gray and we become jaded. I was challeneged in reading this again that I need to come with fresh eyes and a fresh heart and that comes from being obedient to Christ and sitting with him and refreshing and renewing myself with him. That pure joy from childhood I can have now, that pure joy is the joy of Christ and that is attainable now! I love to celebrate and I love being joyful. I so often tell my students that idea of discipline = freedom and I think of that here that obedience = joy. As I obey and do all that Christ's calls for my life I will experience joy and not joy that the world knows but Christ's joy! What could be better!
I love the quote on page 195, " The decision to set the mind on higher things of life is an act of will. That is why celebration is a discipline. It is not something that falls on our heads. It is a result of a consciously chosen way of thinking and living. When we choose this way, the healing and redemption in Christ will break into the inner recesses of our lives and relationships and the inevitable result will be joy." That is what I want, I want to set my mind on higher things, I want to make the choice to seek Christ and HIS joy not the joy that the world wants me to have and enjoy Christ's celebration!
Joy makes us strong?
Scripture tells us that the joy of the Lord IS our strength (Neh. 8:10) IS our strength, IS our strength. One week into the lent season I have been meditating on this "IS". IS our strength? What does that mean? How can the Lords Joy be my strength? John records Jesus saying in John 15:11 "I have told you these things so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full." Is this another way of Jesus saying, "I told these things to you so that my JOY may be in you and my JOY will make you strong!"
The Lords Joy=strength. We know that only obedience produces pure joy (Luke 11:27-28) And Jesus is telling us in the John scripture that we cannot produce joy because we are incapable of obedience without His spirit. (John 15) We are but branches that apart from the vine can produce nothing! So here is my final equation.....
Jesus' obedience to the cross = PURE JOY
Jesus gives His Spirit to us = Jesus' obedience to the cross now lives in us.
Submission to His Spirit in us leads us to a cross = His PURE JOY in us.
Natural response = A life of celebration in response to Jesus' obedience to the cross!
Now that is my kind of math!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Week of Joy
Out of the whole chapter on the discipline of celebration, the idea of obedience = joy has completely overwhelmed my melon. The past week specifically I have been thinking and praying about freedom and joy. The concepts of freedom and joy have been on my mind for the past few months specifically and to be honest I had begun to get a little disheartened by my continued struggle and, to me, what it seemed like no progress. But in the past week alone, with the thought and challenge of practicing celebration on the forefront of my mind, God has prevailed! (As he always does...Thank you Lord that YOU do and I don't!)
There are no words to fully represent the amount of joy I have experienced in celebrating the good news of the gospel over the past week! There simply aren't, so I won't try. All I want you friends to know is that the overall week has been a joy. A true and honest joy! Not out of response to the blessings in my life, although I am extremely fortunate and extremely rich in my life, not out of response to the gifts given to me by God, although I do have many, but solely out of the response of who God is. His character was/is/and will be a reason to celebrate! I also had the honor of watching and having a hand in a close friend choose to be obedient to a very difficult call on her heart. The call was to have a very important conversation of truth, love, and righteous encouragement with her brother in a rehab. facility after recently being released from prison. And friends, the joy she experienced walking away from that difficult conversation was true joy. Obedience=joy. Sharing in that moment of joy is something I will never forget. The impact of withnessing her obedience is something I will not soon forget either.
From obedience comes joy. "Only one thing will produce genuine joy, and that is obedience." (192) From the decission to live a life of obedience to God, one may then experience true joy.
"Joy is found in obedience. When the power that is in Jesus reaches into our work and play and redeems them, there will be joy where once there was mourning. To overlook this is to miss the meaning of the incarnation." (193)
Obedience = Joy. JOY. JOY!!!!
I love that Foster chose to end this study of disciplines with celebration. What a fun way to encompass all the disciplines already studied and challenge them all into practice in my daily life. Friends it has been such an honor to share in this study with each one of you, I value all of your time, energy, and heart put into this blog. Thank you for sharing and I am stoked to serve alongside each one of you!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
One More Post - Cool Celebration Verses
Sing to the LORD, all the earth;
proclaim his salvation day after day.
his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
let them say among the nations, “The LORD reigns!”
let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them!
let them sing for joy before the LORD,
for he comes to judge the earth.
his love endures forever.
gather us and deliver us from the nations,
that we may give thanks to your holy name,
and glory in your praise.”
"That your joy may be made FULL..."
"When the poor receive the good news, when the captives are released, when the blind receive their sight, when the oppressed are liberated, who can withhold the shout of jubilee?" (p. 190)
This quote really cut me deep. I struggle so much with the discipline of celebration. I have so much trouble breaking out of the 'tyranny of the urgent' to focus on what is important and strategic and just celebrate. I try, but lots of times it just feels forced and hollow. And what I already kind of knew - but this quote makes unavoidably clear - is that the reason behind that is a lack of understanding of grace, of mercy, of who He is.
Sometimes I can hear Him say so tenderly - but firmly - "Pearl... Do you even know me?" If I really knew my Father, how could I think half the things I think - things about myself, about others, about God Himself?
In kind of a random way, this part made me think of Psalm 127:
Unless the Lord builds the house, the laborers labor in vein.
Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vein.
....Unless God throws the party, the party-goers celebrate in vein. We can't keep propping ourselves up on superficial, forced celebration for the sake of appearances. If our joy is going to be made full, we're going to have to be securely attached to the Source.
God, draw me into a deeper understanding of who you are. Would I know how high, wide, long, and deep your love is that I might be filled up to your fullness.
"Celebration brings joy into life, and joy makes us strong." (p. 191)
This one hit me like a ton of bricks too because I didn't fully realize until I read this that I'd had the implicit assumption that joy actually makes us weak. I had to think about it for a while, but then I realized that that's probably partly because joy also requires a certain level of vulnerability. This brought me really strongly to the image of John leaning back on Jesus' chest, and how much pure joy he must have felt in that moment. Take heart! Just lean back on me - it's going to be ok. Prop yourself up on me and let that be enough.
Joy makes us weak [in my flawed thinking] because I don't trust that His strength is stronger than mine. I don't fully believe I'm stronger leaning against Him than standing on my own. But His joy does make us strong.
"But how are we to do that? [...] The spirit of celebration will not be in us until we have learned to be 'careful for nothing.' And we will never have a carefree indifference to things until we trust God." (p. 195)
Rejoice in the LORD, always. I will say again - rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)
"Far and away the most important benefit of celebration is that it saves us from taking ourselves too seriously. [...] Celebration adds a note of gaiety, festivity, hilarity to our lives." (p. 196)
This week (today, actually) I'm celebrating a full year of freedom from what I'm just going to have to describe as some pretty intense spiritual oppression. In a lot of ways, the enemy is launching a full scale attack, undermining the celebration: What's there to celebrate? Nothing changed. You're still caught in the same rut you've always been. Everyone else is so far beyond you - why can't you just get your act together?
Luckily, that's where the voice of Truth inserts reality: (It's ok. It's over - the fight's over. None of that matters anymore. All that matters is basking in the light of your Father's face. Be encouraged!) Sometimes it's just harder to hear truth than others, but praise God that He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life - He not only speaks truth to me but lives truth with me.
So I'm not sure any of that hung together, but it's what He's teaching me. I pray that our joy would be full this week (and always!) because our understanding of His love, His grace, and His nearness would also be full and deep.
I love you, team!
RAH - RAH to Mardi Gras -- CELEBRATION
Dear God,
How celebration works is beyond me. Who “works it” is the testimony of all things – every song, every sunrise, the oak in my front yard, a camper’s confession – EVERYTHING testifies that you SO loved this WORLD that you gave.
Everything testifies that you love this world NOW and GIVE yourself NOW.
Thanks God that creation is sustained by your compassion and sacrifice.
Your victory over the principalities and powers is the sweetest fruit, the stiffest drink, the kindest word, the most stunning view, the most intoxicating kiss.
Your victory is the deepest, ecstatic covenant. It is THE COVENANT.
Bellying up to the bar and tasting your kingdom this side of death is every heart’s obsession.
Toasting your victory over death and Hades and your ongoing victory over my small, self-centered, weak-willed world puts the FAT into FAT Tuesday.
Mardi Gras me into dance.
Mardi Gras me into ecstatic celebration.
Mardi Gras me to a cross where the working of your kingdom wrecks my kingdoms and makes a public spectacle to the principalities and powers that this world is eternally enchanted by the fiery wine of your mercy.
May the celebratory passion of your banquet table be the celebratory impulse of this soul/temple.
May your victorious celebration in and through me be crucifixion of me by the principalities and powers
May the end of me and the beginning of you be a firm, resolute RAH-RAH to your MARDI GRAS in this world.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Rehashing the hash!
"Spiritual direction takes up the concrete daily experiences of our lives and gives them sacramental significance." - (186)
Every little act becomes a sacred act of worship! Brushing teeth? Watering flowers? Yes and Yes!
A spiritual director...can absorb the selfishness and mediocrity and apathy around them and transform it! (186)
If corporate guidance is not handled within the larger context of an all-pervasive GRACE, it degenerates into an effective way to straighten out deviant behavior! (187)
JINGLE BAM! JINGLE LAMB! Lord have mercy!
Sorry for the rant more or less great reminders for me!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Service Flows Out of Worship!
I just got to start off by saying sorry for the lack of posting recently. If I'm being completely honest and "exposing the illusion", I have been quite behind on the reading as well. Which really bumms me out, cause there is something special about going through this study together. I have been consistently reading your posts. They have been a deep encouragement to me through the past few weeks, so thank you for your consistency and forgive me for the lack of mine.
In the worship chapter, the phrase that got to me was:
"The divine priority is worship first, service second. Our lives are a punctuated with praise, thanksgiving, and adoration. Service flows out of worship. Service as a substitute for worship is idolatry." (pg. 161).
This was so important to be reminded of. I think its easy to get caught up with serving, serving, serving (playing a role); that we forget that worship must come first (being in relationship with the Lord). Especially being a part of a ministry that operates through service, I can forget that worship comes first. And not only with Sonshine, but with my whole life! Do I choose to kneel in worship first every morning and out of that response go serve my family and community?
I love the phrase "Service FLOWS OUT of worship (sounds a lot like "ministry is a bi-product of relationship with God", huh?)
Love ya guys! Thanks for the posts!