The following words speak beautifully the power and challenge of relational ministry. I underlined these words in the book and wrote at the end of the paragraph - Relational Ministry.
"If we are full of compassion, it will be revealed; if we are full of bitterness, that also will be revealed." (If we just stepped in dog poo on the front lawn and wiped it in the carpet from our shoes as we type, it will be revealed...... - GOD WHY?)
"It is not that we plan to be this way. We have no intention of exploding with anger or of parading a sticky arrogance, but when we are with people, what we are comes out. Though we may try with all our might to hide these things, we are betrayed by our eyes, our tongue, our chin, our hands, our whole body language. Willpower has no defense against the careless word the unguarded moment."
(Man it smells like sweatty, dog poo in here.)
(Man it smells like sweatty, dog poo in here.)
Aside from the two parentheses this passage came from page 6.
In community/relational ministry/this blog, Christ reveals His good heart and my inadequacy.
In isolation I protect my heart.
In isolation I protect my heart.
In isolation I can fake a life and pretend I am complete and not inadequate.
In community I am embarrassed and do stupid, humbling stuff - (dumb dog!)
In isolation I can be clean and proud and hide the poop and embarrassment.
In isolation I can be clean and proud and hide the poop and embarrassment.
In community I am crucified on a tree and no longer live.
In isolation I hide from the tree as God walks through His garden and calls, "Steve, where are you?"
In isolation I hide from the tree as God walks through His garden and calls, "Steve, where are you?"
In isolation I whisper to my lonely soul -- "I'm lost."
God, thank you for this community. It is your gift to each one of us to be drawn to your cross. Your cross is the core, the power, the root, the absolute infusion of life into community. Thank you for your heart poured out at Calvary in sacrificial love, God.
Your heart poured out has an immeasurable power to snap me out of my delusional dream that its better to be lost than to be found in you and found with your church/community.
Steve, thanks so much for your insight about community/isolation. I wish I had something insightful to say back, but all I've got is: amen to that!