"The Spiritual Discipline of simplicity provides the needed perspective. Simplicity sets us free to receive the provision of God as a gift that is not ours to keep and can be freely shared with others." (p. 85)
From the SUP, "When you realize that everything that you use or have is an undeserved gift from a gracious creator your countenance more clearly reflects joy, gratitude and generosity." (Staff Culture #9)
I've been heavily convicted by these two passages. Beyond the excessive possession of "things", I've been even more blown away at how powerfully this speaks into my time, position and relationships. Everything in my life (and my life itself!) is from God, for God and for others.
Often though, I believe what I have, I earned.
I then believe that what I have is best protected by me.
Subsequently, others become a threat to what I have.
"Because we lack a divine Center our need for security has led us to an insane attachment to things." (p. 80)
"The Christian Discipline of simplicity is an inward reality that results in an outward lifestyle." (p. 79)
I need my inward reality/vision/perspective transformed and directed towards the Center if I am ever to be free of my insane attachment/addiction/fixation to the possessions, people, and positions in my life.
"Simplicity sets possessions in proper perspective." (p. 84)
Thanks for the reminder about that line from the SUP. It so good and so true. I know that so much of the way I live my life would be radically changed if I actually lived under that truth.