The Path to Spiritual Growth

The Path to Spiritual Growth
Celebration of Discipline

Friday, January 20, 2012

Simplicity is . . . . . . complicated.

Where Foster wrote "Simplicity is Freedom." I penned. "Discipline is Freedom." He quotes Ecclesiastes about people's complex problems being of our own devising.

God's pursuit of me and through me is simple - Christ crucified for me, in me, through me.

The process of experiencing "Christ crucified for me, in me, and through me" I believe is extremely complicated. It is a never-ending, constant Revelation of

Truth to lie.
Fullness to emptiness.
Life to death.
Light to darkness.
Self-less to self-possessed.
Genuine to illusion.
Reality to vapor.

The seed of Christ is eternal, all powerful, and conspicuously, poignantly, and beautifully displayed at the cross.

I want that seed.

Receiving the seed is the eternal journey which God has called me on that requires fertilizer (crap), roto-tilling, pulverizing, sifting, and a whole host of other brutal treatments for prepping and maintaining the soil for harvest.

Receiving the seed is rough.
Receiving the seed is violent.
Receiving the seed is. . . well, its complicated.

In the bond,

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